Scios Ltd
Specialised supplier of cooperage, yeast, enzymes, fining agents, filter media and products to ensure optimum results in all areas of winemaking.
Bruce Kirk
Bruce Kirk
Bruce Kirk
Bruce Kirk
Unit 6, 20 Totara Street
Taupo 3330
New Zealand
Products and Services: Activated Carbon Products, Barrel - Vats, Barrels, Cellullose Filter Media, Conductivity Meters, Cooperage - Oak, Crystal Stability Test Systems, Cultures, Enzyme - Cellulase, Enzyme - Pectinase, Enzymes, Filter Aids, Fining Agents, Flotation Ingredients, Malolactic Bacteria Cultures, Oak Products (Chips/Nuggets/Staves), Starter Cultures, Tanks - Oak, Tannins, Tartrate Stabiliser, Vats - French Oak, Wine Barrels - Boutes & Garonnaise Cooperage, Wine Barrels/Vats, Wine Clarification, Yeast - Erbsloh Oenoferm, Yeast Products, Yeast/Yeast Nutrients